It was splendid to see all of you who attended the Nottingham conference. Chris Lusby Taylor is to be congratulated and thanked for his third conference. Recognising that three years is a long enough stint for anyone, several proposals were made at the conference and several volunteers came forward and, as with the editorial role, the conference role has now evolved into a team. The 2016 team has got off to a flying start and you will see elsewhere in this Newsletter that they have announced both a date and a venue.

I am delighted to note that David Pawley has once again arranged the annual meeting in Newbury which, this year will be on Saturday 26 September. Please put this date in your diaries.

I must also take this opportunity to thank Nick Orders for serving as our Librarian for several years and to welcome our new Librarian John Wilson. He is a recent BSS joiner but he has been a member of the Nottingham Subscription Library for some years and is very familiar with its organisation.

One of the most memorable aspects of the visit to Nottingham was spending time in Bromley House and browsing through some of our astonishing collection of dialling books. Our library goes from strength to strength. The Trustees’ Annual Report published in the June Bulletin chronicles the 2014-15 donations to the library including an additional donation from Chris Daniel. Since Nottingham, another most generous donation has been made by John Lester. All members will wish to join me in thanking him and thanking the earlier donors too.

I have been most encouraged by recent volunteering but, as I noted at Nottingham, we need more volunteers on the editorial front. In particular, we need support from anyone who can edit newly received manuscripts so that they conform to the Guidelines for Authors. Anyone who has ever checked other people’s texts should have experience enough!

I am very much hoping that broadening some of the most demanding traditional roles into a team approach will encourage others to volunteer. Please get in touch with me!

I wish all of you sunny summer days for enjoying sundials and I hope to see many of you in Newbury on 26 September.

Frank King


The recent AGM at Nottingham, our first as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation, well and truly completes the Society’s transition to CIO status. The minutes of the 2015 AGM are in the June Bulletin. Should any member have any comments thereon, or any wider questions on being a CIO, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Chris Williams


BSS Donation Document

At the annual BSS conference, I produced a statement, as shown below, concerning the donation of my library to the British Sundial Society library. It was my intention to read this out to the conference delegates and to sign it. I asked the Chairman and/ or the Secretary if they would be kind enough to counter sign it; but they refused. I duly read the statement out, immediately after the close of the AGM, which received a round of applause from the membership present, which was an endorsement in itself. I am pleased to say that the document was subsequently countersigned on behalf of the Society by two of its most distinguished members.


Given that the Trustees and the Society Librarian have unequivocally confirmed that the future of the BSS Library is secure, and despite the fact that I have just recently found my original library catalogue from the year 2000, in which I specifically noted that the books were on permanent loan to the BSS Library, I am now nevertheless pleased to donate my dialling works, related books and pamphlets, previously held on “permanent loan” in the BSS Library in Nottingham, to the Society for the furtherance of our original founding Objects.

Chris Daniel


Preparation continues towards the next publication of the Register. Please see the flyer enclosed with this

Bulletin, and I would urge you to complete and return the form if you expect to be buying.

Hudson’s Guide 2014 shows on the cover ‘The Atlas Fountain at Castle Howard’. Atlas supports a world sphere, recently redecorated in blue and gold, with meridian lines clearly shown. Is it aligned to the north? Is it a globe dial, the time indicated by the terminator shadow? Visitors please photograph, note and report! I’m sure you are all too young for The Oldie, but in the June issue Lucinda Lambton gives an enticing description of Patrick Allan-Fraser’s Mortuary Chapel at Arbroath. In addition to its ‘frenzy of towers, domes and spires, bartizans, turrets, crockets and finials’, and carvings of rabbits, cranes, lizards, squirrels, frogs and other local wildlife and vegetation, the exuberant red sandstone erection has two vertical dials, SRN 4481 and 4482. They were recorded by Frank Coe in 2000, but we don’t have photos of the dials or the accompanying EOT tables, or of the chapel itself. It is clearly a fascinating place, very well worth visiting. I would love to hear from you if you go.

John Foad


In the last three months Google has taken the (some might say) high-handed view that users on a phone or tablet will find sites that are not mobile-friendly pushed down the list of results – a triumph of form over content. Fortunately the BSS website is fully “responsive” and we continue to appear at the top of many dial-related searches.

Rather more input than output in the last period – work progresses on the Biographical Dictionary of British Sundial Makers, mass dial records and BRIDOL updates. To that list I can now add preparing the videos of the Nottingham conference! Plenty to do but contributions and help always welcome.

Bill Visick


We have been asked to make a presentation about mass dials before an Architects and Surveyors Conference at Wilton, near Salisbury, in November. I have sketched something out and hope to get help in preparing a PowerPoint presentation of about a quarter of an hour, plus questions.

After the Conference we introduced an American fellow member to the joys of hunting for mass dials – in the rain! However, Spondon and Mackworth are now fully reported.

We had a query from the Society of St Botolph asking for mass dial information on churches dedicated to him – there are 72 listed so I will have to look through all the counties where he appears. We also had a local query about Frampton on Severn, but only a scientific dial was apparent. Finally, a query about a pedestal in the Scilly Isles (St Martin). This is the first hint of a dial in the Scillies but as it is an empty pedestal, it is only a hint. The correspondent was hoping to date the church from the dial – which is rather a hopeful way round. Otherwise it has been quiet.

Tony Wood


Things have been very quiet this quarter with just one enquiry from the USA seeking advice on a dial dat- ed 1652 which, to me, looked much like a Victorian (or later) representation of what they thought an old sundial would look like. Since the gnomon was also the wrong way round it wasn’t a good sign!

If anyone wants them, I have 15 sets of laminated ‘Sundial Summit’ cards. Each set consists of 30 cards (each one 4” by 2½”) and features a picture of a dial in the UK with 8 facts about it. Those of you familiar with the card game played with ‘Top Trumps’ will understand what you do with these cards! If you are interested in acquiring a set (or more) please email me at

Peter Ransom


It is with sadness that we have to announce the recent death of a number of members. Stuart Allen died in February; Alan Cook in March. Maurice Kenn, who moved to Australia some years ago, died on the 1st April. Fer de Fries, as well as being a BSS member, was also pivotal in the Dutch Sundial Society, died on 1st April. We would like to welcome a new member, Keith Scobie-Youngs from Cumbria.

Jackie Jones


General sales continue to be slow and steady with a trickle of income for the BSS funds.

However, we had much better sales than expected at the Nottingham Conference this year given that there were fewer delegates and that our stock comprises mainly BSS publications. We usually have a list of sundial related books from Rogers Turner in Paris but that was not forthcoming this time.

Elspeth Hill


Another exciting day is planned – The annual Newbury British Sundial Society one day meeting. The DATE is the Fourth Saturday of September 2015, 26th September 2015.

The MEETING is at Sutton Hall, Stockcross, Newbury. RG20 8LN. The Hall will be open from 9am to 4pm. Free parking. Easy access – no steps.

Programme. donation of £10 each. free tea and coffee to greet your arrival Short 10 minute talks from 10am In addition – extra this year -a tribute to the late Michael Maltin, – bring along anything relating to Michael, items, photos, including your memories.

We will have a display for Michael, including some of his ‘Gadgets’ and the family will be adding their tributes, including his flying career.

Please use my email address for any information, (this automatically routes other email addresses to me ) and for offers of talks, and it would be helpful to know you are attending, but no booking is required – just turn up.

My mobile number is 07880 802 912 for use on 25th – 26th September 2015 only. Please text to the mobile rather than voice if possible.

Public Transport. If coming by Rail or Coach to Newbury. Please email David the week before to let him know the time of arrival at Newbury Station and we will try to arrange your collection from the station. Include your mobile phone number.

See the flyer enclosed with the next Bulletin and on the BSS website, with maps and other details,.

All are welcome, including guests and non-members. Come along for a grand day in the lovely countryside. There will also be a short tour to see a local Sundial.

See you all there. Best wishes.

David Pawley


With Summer fast approaching, comes the prospect of much longer sunny days. So now is the time to look for that winning sundial photo for entry into the competition.

Members are reminded that the next competition will take place in the 2015-16 year, with the results being announced at the 2016 Conference. Reminders will be included in the September and December 2015 editions of the Newsletters, with entry forms and a copy of the rules also being included in the Bulletin at the same time.

Ian Butson


After the Nottingham conference, a red folding umbrella was found. If anyone claims it, could they please contact me.

Chris Lusby Taylor


It has come to my attention that two sundials are available for sale. Anyone interested should get in touch with the owners directly, acknowledging the source of the information.

Both dials are thought to be genuine.

  1. A brass horizontal dial, 13.5cm square, dated 1607. Contact is Ian Baxter at
  2. A brass horizontal sundial 15″ diameter, signed S. Saunders. Contact is Bernie (Skip) Power at

David Brown


Arrangements are already well in hand for our next Conference. The 2016 Conference will be organised and administered by a team comprising Doug Bateman, Mike Shaw, Bill Visick, Chris and Liz Williams.

Please mark and reserve 15 -17 April 2016 firmly and prominently in your diaries! The conference will follow the traditional Friday afternoon to Sunday luncheon format.

Liverpool, and its environs, is a location not yet visited by the Society’s Conference. The venue has been booked: Jurys Inn in the redeveloped docks area. There is much to see and do beyond dialling; members may well wish to consider extending their stay. For further information on the venue and location. See

Booking forms, and a call for papers and exhibits, will be issued early in September – with the Newsletter and

Bulletin and on the website.

2016 Conference Team

Material for the next Newsletter, preferably as plain text e-mail, should be with me before 15th August 2015 ( Cl) 0151 608 8610

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