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Members' Area

Chairman -June 2024

Chairman -June 2024 The BSS Conference in Peterborough was well attended and much enjoyed. The Society is once again very much indebted to Doug Bateman for the overall organisation. We are also indebted to the many others who contributed. David Hawker laid on an excellent gallery of photographs, and Chris and Louise Smail organised the […]

2024 Annual General Meeting

2024 Annual General Meeting The next AGM will be held on 28 September 2024 at Newbury. The 2023 Annual Report was presented in the March Bulletin and the 2023 Annual Accounts are presented in the June Bulletin.The Business to be conducted will be formally notified in the September circulation/mailing. Nick Orders

The 2024 Conference, Peterborough

The 2024 Conference, Peterborough The conference, with 38 attending, was a success, and within budget. Oliver Cooke, Curator of Horology, British Museum, was due to give the Andrew Somerville Memorial Lecture, but had to pull out due to illness. However, he is promised for next year. Oliver's place was filled by Werner Riegler from CERN, […]


Membership - June 2024 We would like to welcome 4 new members to the Society. From Hartlepool, Bishop's Stortford, Princes Risborough and Maine. Jackie Jones

Fixed dials across the country need a visit for the Register

Fixed dials across the country need a visit for the Register The sundial registers are an important part of the BSS's reason for existing, and are by no means yet complete. Now that it is warmer and raining less, whenever you may be making cross- country journeys, please check if you are passing any on […]