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Help and Advice

We are able to provide help with many aspects of dialling. If you have found or bought an old sundial and want to know its provenance, we can put you in touch with experts who can advise on its age and manufacturer based on factors such as the metallurgical composition of the materials, style of engraving, comparison with other know dials by the maker and more.

If you simply need to know how to set your sundial up in the right position or how to read the time from it, please look at the pages on Setting Up a Sundial and How to read a Sundial to get you started.

If you have bought an inexpensive sundial from a garden centre, sadly most of these are just ornaments and have not been made with the correct angles to actually tell the time, so we will not be able to help with those.

If you need advice on the design of a sundial, have one that needs restoration or are looking for someone to give a talk about dialling, we may be able to put you in touch with someone who can help.

If you have any sundial-related query please send it to HelpAndAdvice@sundialsoc.org.uk together with any relevant photographs.