As 2024 comes to an end, we might recall two highlights: the Peterborough Conference and the Newbury Meeting. Doug Bateman has organised numerous conferences and deemed Peterborough to be his last, at least for a while! We are very grateful to Doug for all his hard work. David Pawley, who organised Newbury Meetings for many decades, announced that he was retiring from this role and the Society is most grateful to him for this extraordinary run of very successful meetings. We have every hope that they will continue under new management and also hope that we shall see David at these events in the years to come.
We held four on-line Bulletin Follow-up meetings this year, each of which has ended with a Postscript in which an aspect of one of the articles has been explored in further detail. I must thank Martins Gills (Latvia), for acting as Technical Host for these meetings. I am most grateful to Vsevolod Buravchenko (Ukraine) and Evan Boxer-Cook (USA) for giving the two most recent Postscripts. Vsevolod showed us some remarkable instruments made by the Master Terebrus organisation, and Evan introduced us to his educational sundial website which has attracted considerable interest. We may hope that some of those who have visited the site will join the BSS or NASS.
I should also thank everyone who has contributed to the BSS in 2024: our Patrons, the Trustees, the Other Specialists, the Editorial Team, all those who have given talks or written articles for the Bulletin, and all who have taken part in the Follow-ups.
Winchester Conference 2025
Our Conference team has been busy organising our visit to Winchester next year. Please note the dates: Tuesday 8 to Thursday 10 April. I draw your attention to the associated leaflet which is bundled in with the Bulletin and this Newsletter. The organisers are particularly keen to hear from anyone who can offer a talk. Please send the suggested title and estimated run-time to conference@sundialsoc.org.uk
The Seventh BSS Award Scheme for Excellent Sundials
Most members will know that every five years we invite entries from anyone who has completed and installed a new sundial or restored an old one. The principal requirement is that the projects must have been completed between 1 January 2021 and 31 December 2025; otherwise, this is an open competition. Entries must be in the form of one or more photographs together with a brief description. Submissions are invited from amateurs and professionals, from members and non- members, from schools and youth groups, and from the UK and overseas. Multiple entries are permitted, indeed encouraged. Photographs and descriptions may be published on the BSS website and in the Bulletin.
The awards will be in the form of certificates. Further details, particularly about how entries should be submitted, will be announced in March.
I wish all our members a Merry Christmas and Happy Dialling in 2025.
Frank King