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Chairman -June 2024

The BSS Conference in Peterborough was well attended and much enjoyed. The Society is once again very much indebted to Doug Bateman for the overall organisation. We are also indebted to the many others who contributed. David Hawker laid on an excellent gallery of photographs, and Chris and Louise Smail organised the outing and the rather challenging quiz. I was especially impressed by the heroic amount of work that Martin Jenkins must have undertaken to give every delegate a Fred Sawyer-designed Ptolemaic Sundial. On many levels this is a gnomonically intriguing instrument.

Next year's Conference is still under discussion. With Doug Bateman hoping to relinquish the organising role, the Trustees are contemplating modifying the administrative arrangements slightly. We hope to be able to present some firm proposals soon.

Bulletin Follow-ups

We have now run four online Bulletin Follow-up events. We shall continue with these for the time being and follow the pattern of sending two email notifications to all members who have not explicitly requested to be excused such messages. If you haven't tried joining one of these online events please consider giving it a go! They provide an opportunity to engage with the Society without having to travel to conferences or meetings.

Some of the emails do not get through and if you are wondering why you haven't been receiving these messages then it is probably because we do not have your correct email address. Please let me know if you think you may be off-list.

Sundial Evangelism

Anyone who enjoys looking at sundials or studying their history or pondering the niceties of gnomonics must wonder whether there will continue to be a steady supply of like-minded people in the years to come. It is up to all of us to help this to happen and, to this end, we must think how best to sow the seed. The Bulletin Follow-ups are just one possibility and they are now open to anyone in the world at the click of a few buttons. I welcome ideas for other such initiatives.

Frank King