The British Sundial Society

The British Sundial Society takes an interest in all aspects of telling the time by the sun. The history, the art, the science and the making of sundials.

Members receive a quarterly publication with articles on all aspects of sundials. We have conferences and meetings round the UK which give a chance to meet other enthusiasts and explore this endlessly fascinating subject. Find out more about becoming a member.

About Us / Join Us

Equatorial Sundial

Information about the history and purpose of the society, who's who, and how to join.


Map of the UK showing Sundial Locations

A comprehensive register of sundials, with pictures, information and location about publicly viewable sundials you can visit across the whole of the UK.

There are over 4,500 sundials listed, which can be searched or viewed on a map.

Information for members, including details of the latest conference and meetings.

BSS Design Awards for 2021 to 2025

Coming soon: details of the entries for quinquennial design competition.

Sundial Technicalities

Technical information to help diallists.

The old BSS website

A link to the archive, for things not yet moved over to the new site.

Help and Advice

If you have any sundial related query, we may be able to help.

All about Sundials

Sundial Diagram

A detailed explanation of how sundials work, how to read a sundial and how to find North for setting up your own sundial.

Making Sundials

The BSS Sundial to print

Various resources to help with making your own sundials, including several that you can print and assemble, an Armillary Equatorial Dial made from embroidery hoops, and details of how to calculate the correct angles for a sundial, either doing it yourself or using our online Sundial Angle Calculator.

Photo Gallery

Photo Gallery Montage

Photographic display and competition entries for 2023 and 2024.