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DIY cube dial

Francis Tamarit has kindly provided designs for a DIY cube dial for latitudes from 50°N to 60°N:

Cube Dial
Cube Dial Template


Dial for 50°N
Dial for 51°N
Dial for 52°N
Dial for 53°N
Dial for 54°N
Dial for 55°N
Dial for 56°N
Dial for 57°N
Dial for 58°N
Dial for 59°N
Dial for 60°N


Download and print the appropriate template for your latitude. Two versions of each dial are provided, fitting either a single (60mm cube) or two (approx. 82mm cube) A4 pages. Thin cardboard as used for business cards is recommended: photo paper also works but gluing the gloss surfaces is trickier. Not sure of your latitude? Use the BSS Latitude Finder.

1) Score the tab lines on the cube and both the tabs and middle line on the styles before cutting out the pieces.
2) Cut out the cube and the five styles.
3) On five faces of the cube incise and create slots along the thick sub-stylar line.
4) Fold the styles along their middle line, ensuring that the arc at the foot of the polar style is visible.
5) Glue the five styles, making them double thickness and ensuring that the arc at the foot of the polar style remains visible.
6) Insert the styles (5 in all) from inside the cube.
7) The circles on the faces of the cubes should coincide with the arcs at the foot of the styles to indicate the correct orientation. The style for the top face of the dial is indicated by the word "horizontal".
8) Glue the five styles from inside the cube, taking care to adjust their correct position.
9) Glue the tabs on the faces of the cube to create the cube shape.
10) All the polar styles must be perpendicular to its face of the cube.