The Society became a Registered Charity in 1992 and a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in 2014 (Registered Charity Number 1155688). The Society is affiliated to the Royal Astronomical Society.
The British Sundial Society welcomes applications from people with an interest in any aspect of sundials. Benefits of being a member include our quarterly Bulletin with original articles on all aspects of dialling.
Names and contact details. If you need help with a sundial, for example if you have recovered or bought one and want to know its age, provenance or how to use it, contact us at
The Bulletin is the journal of the British Sundial Society. It comprises scientific and other papers, mainly contributed by society members and covering their fields of interest.
We have over 400 books and documents on dialling related subjects at the Bromley House Library, Nottingham (BHL). The books are catalogued by author and in 18 sub-categories such as modern sundial theory, historic and classic works, scientific instruments, dial construction, exhibition and auction catalogues, scratch dials, restoration, stone circles, astronomy, horology, dial registers and, of course, miscellaneous.
There is a BSS YouTube channel which has recordings of the Zoom meetings discussing the articles in the Bulletin, and also links to other sundial videos by members.